Ajutați-mă va rog.Urgent!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. It wasn't a very good hotel. But, it was better than nothing.
Nu a fost un hotel foarte bun. Dar, a fost mai bine decat nimic.
2. Even they are good friends, they don't understand each other.
Chiar daca sunt prieteni buni, nu se inteleg.
3. She felt guilty beacause she had done something wrong.
S-a simtit vinovata pentru ca a facut ceva gresit.
4. Instead waiting for her, you should better do it by yourself.
In loc sa astepti dupa ea, mai bine faci tu singur.
5. He thinks there are more solutions to the problem, but, actually, there is only one.
El crede ca exista mai multe solutii la problema, dar, de fapt, exista numai una.
6. I don't want to go out. It's rather cold. And, I am tired.
Nu vreau sa ies. Este si frig. Si, sunt obosit.
7. The sales team has been working hard since the begining of the year.
Echipa de vanzari a lucrat din greu de la inceputul anului.
8. We really wondered if she was Chinese or Vietnamese.
Noi chiar ne-am intrebat daca ea era chinezoaca sau vietnameza.
9. Even if the situation is serious, it is not a disaster.
Chiar daca situatia este serioasa, nu este un dezastru.
10. You won't get the job but you make a good impression.
Tu nu vei lua jobul dar vei face o impresie buna.
11. You would better arrange the books on the shelves by the authors.
Mai bine ai aranja cartile pe raft dupa autor.
12. The child is asleep. Then I will take a shower. After my hair is drying I will call my mother, because I haven't spoken with her for a long time.
Copilul este somnoros. Apoi voi face un dus. Dupa ce imi usc parul o voi suna pe mama deoarece nu am vorbit cu ea de mult.
Nu a fost un hotel foarte bun. Dar, a fost mai bine decat nimic.
2. Even they are good friends, they don't understand each other.
Chiar daca sunt prieteni buni, nu se inteleg.
3. She felt guilty beacause she had done something wrong.
S-a simtit vinovata pentru ca a facut ceva gresit.
4. Instead waiting for her, you should better do it by yourself.
In loc sa astepti dupa ea, mai bine faci tu singur.
5. He thinks there are more solutions to the problem, but, actually, there is only one.
El crede ca exista mai multe solutii la problema, dar, de fapt, exista numai una.
6. I don't want to go out. It's rather cold. And, I am tired.
Nu vreau sa ies. Este si frig. Si, sunt obosit.
7. The sales team has been working hard since the begining of the year.
Echipa de vanzari a lucrat din greu de la inceputul anului.
8. We really wondered if she was Chinese or Vietnamese.
Noi chiar ne-am intrebat daca ea era chinezoaca sau vietnameza.
9. Even if the situation is serious, it is not a disaster.
Chiar daca situatia este serioasa, nu este un dezastru.
10. You won't get the job but you make a good impression.
Tu nu vei lua jobul dar vei face o impresie buna.
11. You would better arrange the books on the shelves by the authors.
Mai bine ai aranja cartile pe raft dupa autor.
12. The child is asleep. Then I will take a shower. After my hair is drying I will call my mother, because I haven't spoken with her for a long time.
Copilul este somnoros. Apoi voi face un dus. Dupa ce imi usc parul o voi suna pe mama deoarece nu am vorbit cu ea de mult.
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