Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses
1.If we go to Australia in summer,we ______(need)some warm clothes.
2.If I see him,I___________(give) him a lift.
3.If he_________(eat) all that,he wiil be ill.
4.What________(you/do) if you miss the train?
5.If I ask the teacher for the answer,I know he __________(not tell) me.
6.Unless you are more careful,you _______(have) an accident.
7.If you___________(not like )this one , i,ll bring you another.
8.Unless you________(telephone) the doctor first, she won,t see you.
9.Unless we win on Saturday our tean _____(be) in trouble.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
1.we ll need 2.i ll give 3. Eats 4. Will you do 5. He ll not tell 6. You ll have 7. Don't like 8. Telephone 9. Will be

Mih2007: Will
Mih2007: Prescurtarea sall/will(ll)
Mih2007: Shall scuze
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