Engleza, întrebare adresată de blockspross, 8 ani în urmă

ajutatima va rog dau coroana


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de valeriadragoi2008
a) at, of, at, at
b) of, with, in, with, next
c) in
d) on, at

a) Negative: Jade will not give me her new book to read.
Interrogative: Will Jade give me her new book to read?
Yes, she will/No, she won’t
b) Negative: Roy didn’t arrived from Spain
Interrogative: Will Roy arrive from Spain?
Yes, he will/No, he won’t
c) Negative: We are not going to the seaside this year.
Interrogative: Will we go to the seaside this year?
Yes, we will/No, we won’t
d) Negative: Children are not in the yard now.
Interrogative: Are the children in the yard now?
Yes, they are/No, they aren’t
e) Negative: I didn’t saw this film yesterday.
Interrogative: Did I saw this film yesterday?
Yes, I did/No, I didn’t

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