Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutatima va rog frumos cu tema la engleza


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dorinvieru
1. I was talking to my friend when my brother was knocked on my door.
    Vorbeam cu un prieten cand fratele meu a batut la usa.

2. My teacher told my parrents that I talk too much!
    Profesorul le-a spus parintilor ca vorbesc prea mult!

3. He was working in London when he suffered a heart attack.
    Lucra la Londra cand a avut un atac de cord.

4. I don't know when we bought our house.
    Nu stiu cand am cumparat casa.

5. I was just watching the news when you called me.
    Tocmai ma uitam la stiri cand m-ai sunat.

6. I went home and made a cup of tea.
   Am plecat acasa si am facut o ceasca de ceai.

7. By the time I arrived at the party, most of the guests were danicng.
    Cand am ajuns la petrecere, cei mai multi invitati dansau.

8. How many times you went on holiday last year ?
   De cate ori ai fost in concediu anul trecut ?

9. Why you argued with your brother last week ?
    De ce te-ai certat cu fratele tau saptaman trecuta ?

10. When he played for Manchester United ?
    Cand a jucat el pentru Manchester United ?

11. What were you doing when the fire started ?
     Ce faceai cand a izbucnit incendiul ?

12. As they were walking to the train, the doors closed.
     Pe cand mergeau la tren, usile s-au inchis.

13. I opened the door and my cat ran outside!
     Am deschis usa si pisica a iesit afara!

14. I belived in Santa Claus until I was 8 years old.
     Am crezut in Mos Craciun pana la 8 ani.

15. At the time of the accident, the driver was not wearing his glasses.
     In momentul accidentului, soferul nu purta ocelari.

16. Did you go to the Rijksmuseum last week ?
      Ai fost la muzeu saptamana trecuta ?

17. Where you were when we was at John's house ?
     Unde ai fost cand eram la acasa la John ?

18. As we were walking to Buckingam Palace, we saw the Queen!
      In timp ce ne plimbam la Palatul Buckingam, am vazut-o pe regina!

19. We noticed that the roof was leaking.
     Am observat ca acoperisul primea apa.

20. What did you do at 10 o'clock last night ?
      Ce ai facut  aseara la ora 10 ?
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