Engleza, întrebare adresată de nadiavasila, 8 ani în urmă

ajutatima va rog frumos ex4,5,6​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
4. 1. Where did the grasshopper play?
2.What did the grasshopper say to the ant?
3.What did cover the meadow?
4.Why was the grasshopper hungry?
5.Who did ask the ant?
5.-a heavy load of food
-a nice day for work
-to store the food for winter
-to have plenty of food
-the end of the day
-to ask for food
-to live on one’s work
-to live for dancing and singing
6.regular verbs:jumped,found,said,chirped,carried,passed,covered,laughed,worked,asked
irregular verbs:ate,came,was,had,did
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