Engleza, întrebare adresată de iuleatiu1, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutatima va rog urgent! Write the questions to the answers. 1) where ------- ? Wild animals live in forests. 2) when---------? Tim rides his bike on Sunday. 3) who----------? My cousin lives in Romania. 4) where--------? Farmers work in the field everyday. 5). What---------? Farmers turn the soil in autumn. 6) what---------? Some animals sleep in winter. 7). Why----------? Children go to the forest to pick mushrooms and flowers.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Imitrebuienume
Where do wild animals live?
When does Tim ride his bike?
Who lives in Romania?
Where do the farmers work?
What are the farmers doing in autumn?
What does sleep in the winter?
Why do the childrens went in the forest?

Imitrebuienume: Coroana te rog?
iuleatiu1: Multumesc pentru ajutor
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