Engleza, întrebare adresată de picanantonio, 8 ani în urmă

4. Put the verbs in the brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous: 1. I (assure) you that the man who (stand) there (not spy) on us. You (imagine) things! 2. I (have) a tooth out this afternoon and I (not want) to eat now, particularly that this food (taste) awful. 3. Jim, (turn) down that music! It (make) me mad! Jim, I (talk) to you! 4. Tim (hear) that you (leave) for Chicago next month. 5. he (not realize) that the team (wait) for him? 6. Why Raquel (iron) her skirt? She (want) to look good because she (see) John off at the airport at 9 o’clock. 7. What (worry) me is the money. I (not accept) the job unless they (offer) me a good salary. 8. Grandmother (clean), mother (make) breakfast and the children (play) outside. 9. You (recognise) anyone in this picture? Yes, the boy who (hit) the ball is my cousin John and the one who (sit) on the grass is my brother Sam. 10. Nice to see you again! How (do) you? And where (live) now? I am fine. I (stay) at the inn for the time being. 11. We (think) of emigrating. My husband (not earn) enough money here and he (hope) to find a good job in America. 12. I am sorry, Mrs Gram is not available at the moment; she (speak) to a customer.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gdumitrescu121p23e3l
assure, stands, isn't spying, are imaging, am having, don't want,tastes,turn,is making, am talking,hears, are leaving,isn't realising, is waiting, Why is Raquel ironing?, wants, is seeing, worries, am nott accpting, offer, is cleaning, is making, are playing, Do you recognise?, is hitting, is sitting, do you do, are you living, am staying, are thinking, doesn't earn, hopes, is speaking
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