Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be:(Completează propoziţiile cu forma corectă a verbului a fi)a) He ………………………. Thomas, my best friend.b) They ……………….. Laura and Jim.c) Hello! How ……………… you?d) I …………………. a student.e) She ………………. my mother.f) It ………………… is a beautiful country.g) You ……………………. good children.h) Who ………………. they?i) Tigers ……………………. wild animals.j) The grass …………………. green. 2. Turn the sentences below into the negative:(Transformă enunţurile de mai jos într-unele negative)a) I am a doctor.b) Tom is my neighbour.c) Tim and Tina are married.d) Cats are afraid of dogs.e) Children are always innocent.3. Translate the following sentences:(Tradu propoziţiile următoare)a) El este tânăr.b) Eu sunt Mario.c) Bună seara! Ce faceţi?d) Noi suntem prieteni.e) Maria este bunica Alinei.f) Tu nu eşti profesor.g) Ele nu sunt românce.h) Aceasta este cifra trei.i) Sunt 12 fete în această clasă.j) Cine sunteţi voi?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MrNuStiu
1 a) is b)are c) are d) am e) is f) is g) are h)are i) are j) is. 2 a) I am not a doctor b) Tom isn't my neighbourg c) Tim and. Tina aren't married d) Cats. are not afraid. of dogs e)Chilidren aren't always inocent. 3 a) He is young b)I'm Mario c)Good afternoon! what are you doing? d)We are friends e)Maria is Alina's grandmother f)You aren't a teacher g)They aren't Romanians h)This is number 3 i)Here în This classroom are twelve girls j) Who are you?

soniailie68: he is
soniailie68: is are are am is is are is am is not
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