Engleza, întrebare adresată de anaaaaaaaaaaa78, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutor aici !!!! Exercițiul 5 ​continuați de la punctul 4 !!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de petra9970


The people in your town are friendly, aren't they?

You often go aboard, don't you?

School is interesting, isn't it?

You speak three languages, don't you?

You can take good photos, can't you?

Your town is big, isn't it?

anaaaaaaaaaaa78: msss
petra9970: cupla:)
Răspuns de raduruxandra

The people in your town are friendly,aren't they?

You often go aboard,don't you?

School is insteresting,isn't it?

You speak three languages,don't you?

You can take good photos,can't you?

Your town is big,isn't it?

inima si coroana?

anaaaaaaaaaaa78: Mai aștept răspunsul așa bune când o să mai am nevoie :))
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