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„In a galaxy far,far away...

Star Wars,The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi where recording-breaking hit films in the late 70s and early 80s. Recently,director George Lucas restored the films and added some new special effects.


Star Wars is a classic story of good versus evil.The story is set 'a long tima ago in a galaxy far,far away...' The galaxy is ruled by the evil Galactic Epmire. Luke Skywalker,a young farmboy,lives on the planet of Tatooine with his aunt and uncle.His aunt and uncle are killed.Soon after this,Luke meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, the last of Jedi knights in the desert.His life is chaged froever.


Obi-Wan Kenobi trains Luke to unse the powers of the Force to fight the Empire and its leader,the evil Darth Vader.


Luke is joined be to frendly androids,C-3PO an R2-D2. They team up with Han Solo,a mercenary pilot played by Harrison Ford.The group land on Darth Vanders spaceship, the terrofyng Death Star,and Rescue the beautiful Princess Leia. They escape after and exciting battke and the Death Star is destroyed."



Pe baza textului de mai sus răspunde la următoarele întrebări:

1.Where is Star Wars set?

2.Who is Like Skywalker?

3.What happenes to his aunt and uncle?

4.What is Like trained to do?

5.Who is recued from the Death Star?

6.What happnes at the end?


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de roxatat
1.Star Wars is set  in a galaxy far,far away.
Skywalker is a young farmboy who lives on the planet of Tatooine with his aunt and uncle.
His aunt and uncle were killed.
4.Luke was trained 
 to use the powers of the Force to fight the Empire and its leader,the evil Darth Vader.
he beautiful Princess Leia was rescued from the Death Star.
6.At the end t
hey escape after and exciting battle and the Death Star is destroyed.

roxatat: Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back și Întoarcerea lui Jedi unde înregistrarea a filme de la sfârșitul anilor '70 si inceputul anilor '80. Recent, regizorul George Lucas a restaurat filmele și a adăugat unele efecte speciale noi.Star Wars este o poveste clasica de binecomparativ cu raul.Poveste este "în urmă cu mult timp într-o galaxie departe, departe ..." Galaxia este condus de maleficul Galactic Empire. Luke Skywalker, un fermier tânăr, trăiește pe planeta Tatooine cu mătușa si unchiul lui.
roxatat: Unchiul si matusa lui sunt ucisi.In scurt timp ,Luke l-a intalnit pe Obi-Wan, ultimul dintre cavalerii Jedi in desert.Viata sa este schimbata pt totdeauna.Obi-Wan Kenobi il antreneaza pe Luke sa foloseasca puterea Fortei pt a lupta cu Imperiul si liderul acestuia Darth Vader.Luke se alatura androizilor prietenos C-3PO si R2-D2.Ei au echipa cu Han Solo, un pilot mercenar jucat de Harrison Ford.Grupul a aterizat pe nava lui Darth Vader,terifianta Death Star,si a salvat-o pe frumoasa printesa Leia
roxatat: Ei au scapat dupa captivanta lupta si Death Star este distrusa.
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