Limba română, întrebare adresată de gabrielaiasmina558, 8 ani în urmă

ajutor,coroană dau ......​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de luizapana90280


Ex 2/

1.I was a doctor at the hospital.

2.He was 15 years old.

3.They were my best friends.

4.Keren was in class 8B.

5.The dog was black and white.

6.We were in New York

7.You were late for lason.

8.The girls were tall and slim.

Ex 3/

1. I wasn't a doctor at the hospital.

2.He wasn't 15 years old.

3.They weren't my best friends.

4.Keren wasn't in class 8B.

5.The dog wasn't black and white.

6.We weren't in New York.

7.You weren't late for lason.

8.The girls weren't tall and slim.


Dacă avem I, You, They, We, You >punem were

Dacă avem He, She,It punem>was

Dacă e la negativ punem: weren't/wasn't> depinde de persoană.

Aștept coroană!

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