Engleza, întrebare adresată de careers, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutor, dau coroană !!
1)Scrieți un articol despre mâncarea voastră preferată (orice), respectând următoarele regulile din poza atașată:


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Antoniasa

Răspuns: _____

My favourite food is probably made by my mother, and by that I mean everything! She's a really good cooker, but let's be honest, my favourite one is Arepa.

Arepa is a type of traditional bread from Colombia and Venezuela, which is made from cornmeal and stuffed with sweet or savoury fillings. It's so delicious, trust me! I've been not feeling like myself these days so my mother makes me this dish almost every day. She's a sweetheart. My second favourite dish is Ramen. In its simple form, it's a rich meat (or occasionally fish) broth, flavoured with soy or miso and served with toppings such as mushrooms, seaweed, sesame seeds, spring onions and soft-boiled egg. Since I love Asia, especially Japan, I make this dish myself.

In my opinion we should all have a favourite food to tell our friends or family about and maybe cook it for them. Don't worry about gainig some weight, it goes away with exercises, but don't exaggerate with it!

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