ajutor. DAU coroana!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
a scrie
a alerga
a sări
a mânca
a bea
a dormi
a crea
a merge
a desena
a număra
a se uita
a privi
a spăla
a săruta
a citi
a zbura
a înota
a asculta
a deschide
a doza (?)
a sta
a se ridica
a merge
a muta
a face
a face
a găti
Complete the sentences...
1. drink
2. sing, draw
3. talk
4. cook, prepare
5. sleep
6. runs
7. opens, doses
8. watches
9. washes
10. jumps, comes
Circle the correct...
a. do
b. does
c. do
d. do
e. do
f. do
g. does
h. do
i. do
Write negative sentences:
a. I do not watch scary movies, and she does not watch dramas.
b. You do not listen to house and he does not listen heavy metal.
c. We do not swim in the sea, and it does not swim in the pool.
d. They do not sit at the table, and she does not sit on the chair.
e. I do not fly a plane, and it does not fly at all.
f. You do not cook stuffed turkey, and she does not cook stuffed lamb.
Complete the questions:
1. Do I do... Yes, I do.
2. Does he look... Yes, he does
3. Do you read... No, I do not.
4. Does she go... Yes, she does
5. Does it stand... No, it does not.
6. Does it swim... Yes, it does.
7. Do they walk... No, they do not.
8. Do we fly... Yes, we do
9. Do I make...No, I do not.
10. Does she write... No, she does not.