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Răspunsuri la întrebare
Cerinta: Folositi verbele din paranteza la Past Simple sau Past Perfect, in functie de sens.
1. Yesterday morning, she left the house in a hurry, but she didn`t go far because she discovered that it was going to raind and she had left her umbrella at home.
2. She accordingly went back to fetch it , but her mother told her that her brother had taken it a few minutes before.
3. The discovery of the art of writing enabled the ancient Egyptians to remember what their ancestors had done before them.
4. It was difficult to know an exact date in ancient times, because the calendar not yet had been fixed.
5. If his car hadn`t broken down, he would have caught the train.
6. When William stamped and sealed the envelope, he went back to the wondow and drew a long breath.
7. The Browns had finished packing by 5 o`clock.
8. More than a year passed since he first had thought of this idea.
9. They wished they hadn`t been met there by their neighbours.
10. She no sooner had reached the door when she remembered about the book.
Past Simple este un timp verbal care exprima actiuni incepu.te si incheiate in trecut, al caror moment este precizat. In limba romana , traducem cu perfect compus. (eu am vorbit, tu ai alergat,etc)
Mod de formare:
Afirmativ: Subiect+Verb/-ed sau forma a II-a
Interogativ: Did+Subiect+Verb?
Negativ: Subiect +didn`t+ Verb
La forma afirmativa, daca verbul este regulat ii adaugi”-ed”, daca este neregulat ii scrii forma a doua. La interogativ si negative, verbele se intorc la prima forma.
ex. She worked in the garden yesterday.
Did she work in the garden yesterday?
She didn`t work in the garden yesterday.
They went to the seaside last summer.
Did they go to the seaside last summer?
They didn`t go to the seaside last summer.
Past Perfect Simple exprima o actiune incepu.ta si terminata in trecut, inaintea unei alte actiuni trecute; in limba romana-mai mult ca perfect
Mod de formare:
Afirmativ: Subiect+had+Verb-ed/forma a III-a
Interogativ: Had+Subiect+Verb-ed/forma a III-a
Negativ: Subiect+ hadn`t+ Verb-ed/forma a III-a
ex. Jenny had left by the time you arrived.
Had Jenny left by the time you arrived?
Jenny hadn`t left by the time you arrived.