Engleza, întrebare adresată de andranik2008, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutor exercițiul 3! Nu știu cum se rezolva..


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dorinvieru

1) I have never eaten pancakes filled with spinach. FIRST

  This is the first time I eat pancakes filled with spinach.

2) The last time they visited this museum was a year ago. FOR

   The haven't visited this museum for one year.

3) I don't remeber my teacher's name. HAVE

  I don't remeber what name my teacher has.

4) Doing this type of physical exercise is new to George. BEFORE

  George has never done this type of exercises before.

5) She has started writing this article an hour ago. FOR

   She has been writing this article for an hour.

6) We have missed the begining of today's lecture. ALREADY

  We have alreadty missed the begining of today's lecture.

7) The little boy doesn't know where his handkerchief is.

  The little boy lost his handkerchief.

8) The dog is responsible for your plate being empty. EATEN

  The dog eated from your plate.

9) It's a long time since I last read a book in French. FOR

 I haven't read a book for a long time.

10) The last time I went to a fair was in my childhood. SINCE

  I haven't been to a fair since I was a child.

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