Engleza, întrebare adresată de 09876543211, 9 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de StrangePeople
a train / a bus / a car
A train is faster than a bus, but a car is the fastest.
April / January / February
don't know. scuze
skiing / sledging / hockey
Skiing is more fun than sledging, but hockey is the best.
text one / text two / text three
Text one is shorter than text two, but text three is the shortest.
the Raut / The Prut / the Nistru (nu stiu geografie lmao)
The Raut is bigger than the Prut, but the Nistru is the biggest.
chocolate / banana/ ice-cream
Chocolate is better than banana, but ice-cream is the best.
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