Engleza, întrebare adresată de popdeni37, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutor ! Îmi trebuie pe maine .
Trebuie transformate propozițiile directe in propoziții indirecte

Fill the gaps to make indirect questions.
1 Where's the station?"
"Can you tell me ...

2 "Are you coming to the party?"
Can you let me know if ...

3 "How does it work?"
"Can you explain ...

4 "What's the matter?"
Please tell me 5 ...

"Where are you from?"
"I'd like to know ...

6 "How long does it take to get there?"
"Do you know ...

7 "Has she reached a decision yet?"
"Has she told you whether ..

8 "Do you know the capital of Honduras?"
"Do you happen ..

9 "Does Annie know about computers?"
"I wonder whether ..

10 "Excuse me. How do you get to the post office from here?"
Could you tell us ...

11 "What are you doing?"
"Do you have any idea ...

12 "Could you lend me 50 Euros?"
"I don't suppose ...

13 "Could you take me to the airport?"
Is there any chance...

14 "Does Susana like classical music?"
"I can't remember if ...

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ImPuLsZ
1)Can you tell me where the station is?
2)Can you let me know if you're coming to the party?
3)Can you explain how it works?
4)Please tell me what's the matter.
5)I'd like to know where are you from.
6)Do you know how long it takes to get there?
7)Has she told you whether she reached a decision?
8)Do you happen to know the capital of Honduras?
9)I wonder whether Annie knows about computers or not.
10)Could you tell us how can we get to the post office from here?
11)Do you have any idea about what are you doing?
12)I don't suppose you'll get mad if I ask you for 50 Euros?
13)Is there any chance that you could take me to the airport?
14)I can't remember whether Susana likes classical music or not.
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