Engleza, întrebare adresată de szaborebeka, 8 ani în urmă

ajutor la tema la engleza ex 1,2 va rog imi trebuie urgent


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AnairdaGloria
Si eu am cartea Snapshot. :))

1) She always travels...
2. He usually works from...
3. Carla doesn't have lunch...
4. They don't get home from college...
5. He sometimes goes to French classes...
6. Does she always do her homework on the bus?
7. The film doesn't start until...
8. Do you usually read before you go to sleep?

2) Jack's in the gym. He IS PLAYING basketball.
2. Louise LIKES ballet music very much.
3. Sarah DOES gymnastics every Thursday evening.
4. Sam and Katie ARE HAVING a tennis lesson at the moment.
5. Joe usually RUNS round the park every evening.

AnairdaGloria: E 100% corect, te rog sa-mi dai coroana ;)
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