Engleza, întrebare adresată de Lolly1111, 9 ani în urmă

ajutor pls! doar cei care stiu engleza bine!


Mary2222: ai snapshot?de ce cls?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Demonic
2. There's the boy i told you about.
3. The film you wanted to see it starts at eight.
4. Here's the video you asked me to get you.
5. The woman you talked is my teacher.
6. The photo my sister entered in competition won a prize.
7. We've got like her,a new Math teacher.
8. I'm afraid i lost a pen,witch you lent me.
9. I dont like them.She bought some new ...... complecteaza cu cuvantul din text nu pot vedea care este din cauza blitului. Sper sa te ajute.
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