Engleza, întrebare adresată de Mysu, 9 ani în urmă

ajutor, repede va rog!!!! uitati si model. Am nevoie urgent! ofer coroana si rating. fara translate!!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andradah22
My dear Alex,
I am writtning to tell you what a terible thing happened to me.I had a horrible accident.I am still very scared and socked.I don't know how to react.So i wrote you becuse I need someone to talk to and to confess.
Let me explain you how it happened.I was going back home from school when a man hit me with his car.I hadn't done nothing wrong,so it wasn't my fault.I think I am alive from a miracle.Thanks God.
I am just so scared,Alex.I need you to give me some advices.How to get over it?
Sorry for beeing so emotional but I really need your help
With love,
Răspuns de MihaelaD8
To: [email protected] 
From: [email protected]
Subject: Help me

Dear George, 

I'm writing to tell you what happened to me recently that completely blew me away.

I was in the car with my parents when the bus in front of us collided head-on with another car. Everything lasted for a few seconds but to me it seemed like an eternity. I remember seeing a woman coming out of the bus with blood on her shirt. I was shocked that I had just witnessed such an event. My mother covered my eyes and my father drove away. I started crying and I'm still very affected by what happened. I later found out from the news that no one was badly hurt, but I still can't get that image out of my head. 

I really need your help in getting over this event. You've always been there for me and I know you'll find the right words to say to help me. 

I hope to hear from you soon!
Kisses, Mihaela.
*poti schimba numele daca vrei; anunta-ma daca vrei traducerea.

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