Engleza, întrebare adresată de sorinadragomir11, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutor !!!There (to be) __________________________ a major bank robbery in central
Manchester today. It happened at nine o’clock this morning and fifty thousand pounds
was stolen. Three men dressed (as/like) __________________________ cleaners
surprised bank clerks just as the bank was opening for business. The men had been
waiting by a side entrance (for/at/to) __________________________ some time
before they decided to act. They seized the cash and escaped in a stolen car. The police
(to call) __________________________ but the thieves had already disappeared. One
of the witnesses, a courier, (who/which) __________________________ happened to
be passing by. He said: “I was absolutely shocking because I (might have been/should
have been/must be) __________________________ knocked down by the three
strangers running out of the bank door…”
(Another/other)__________________________ witness is the driver of the stolen car.
It was not his. He regretted (borrow/borrowing/to borrow)
__________________________ that car. When asked about the owner of the car, he
exclaimed: “My car broke down that very morning. I wish I (couldn’t borrow/ hadn’t
borrowed/ borrowed) __________________________ it from my neighbour!” The
bank clerks were not able to describe the appearance of the thieves as they
remembered (anything/everything/nothing) __________________________ because
of the shock.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
was called
might have been
having borrowed
hadn't borrowed
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