Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutor urgent vă dau Coroana și puncte multe​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dandaiana10


2. John is 13. John is not 15.

3.They are French. They are not Spanish.

4.My favourite sports are tennis and hockey. My favorite sports are not basketball and athletics.

5. My favorite subject is Maths. My favourite subject is not Science.

6. Tina is Australian. Tina is not Greek

7. Sergio is Portuguese . Sergio is not from the USA.

8. We are 12. We are not 11.


era ft usor lol

Răspuns de Plutoo56


John is 13. He is not 15

They are living in France. They are not living in Spain.

My favourite sports are tennis and hockey. My favourite sports aren't basketball and athletics.

My favourite subject is Maths. My favourite subject isn't Science.

Tina is speaking Australian. She isn't speaking Greek.

Sergio is learning Portugal. He isn't learning the USA.

We are 12. We arent 11.

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