Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Ajutor urgent vă rog dau Coroana și puncte multe


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nccjchcjccjvnvv

Dacă nu înțelegi ceva să-mi spui

1. I haven’t got brothers or sisters.
Yes I have and I love him
Has your house
Have you got time to visit me?

2. His bedroom is very colorful and tidy.
We go to the same school, but we have different teachers.
Dictionaries are very useful books
She has got blue eyes and red hair
Kim and Julie are my favorite cousin . They’re identical twins.
The twins where unusual clothes, and they’ve got beautiful hair
The parties at my grandparents house are wonderful

3) curlier
the prettiest
most intelligent


Utilizator anonim: și cealaltă parte
nccjchcjccjvnvv: ți am trimis poza
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