Engleza, întrebare adresată de YoBooo, 8 ani în urmă

ajutor va rog dau coroana ! va rooog e pt nota​


YoBooo: a si b va roog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de maria4588



Dear magazine editor,

I am writing you because I've read the article named "It's a student's life" and I've got some objections. Please read the following and inform the author of it too.

There, its written about how students do not know the meaning of stress and are so very lazy. I dissagree. If you cannot recall from your memories, since you were a student as well and have also been stressed by deadlines and objectives, then ask students before you accuse them with no knowledge of their life. School is the lesson before the test called life.

In school we are also pressured by other exams, other tests. Other expectations from people like you who think that it's easy. Deadlines, sleepless nights, fights with parents, arguments with teachers. All this pressure is thrown on us with the argument that "we've grown", but while we grew no one told us about these. And you say that it's easy.

Well, if it was so easy, I wouldn't be writing you this letter. My friend would. But guess what, he's learning for exams. Exams that, if you don't remember the pressure of, you sure will when your daughter or son will encounter them.

I hope you'll think twice in the future before accusing someone. I hope that I, or another kid won't need to write you again.

Best regards,

Alexandra (sau, mai bine, scrie numele tau)


Hello, friend.

I've written a letter to both the editor of the magazine and the author of the article about their mistake. I've told them about the stress that we go through and how you're revising for an exam now. Hopefully, they'll understand.

Thanks for telling me about the problem. Good luck at your exams!

All the best,

Alexandra (sau mai bine, numele tau)


Am sa iti atasez textul tradus la o alta postare de a ta, aici nu ma mai lasa. Daca profa te acuza ca nu ai inteles deoarece ai adresat prima scrisoare atat pentru editor, cat si pentru autor, spune-i ca ai facut acest lucru pentru a rezolva si sursa problemei, nu doar pentru a o preveni. Editorul revistei si autorul articolului sunt 2 oameni cu joburi total diferite, dar in acest context le poti scrie la amandoi.

De asemenea, primul text are 228 de cuvinte, iar al doilea are 59 de cuvinte.

YoBooo: multumesc enorm de mult
maria4588: n ai pt ce!
maria4588: auzi, poti sa mi dai coroana la raspunsurile astea 3? m ar ajuta mult
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