Engleza, întrebare adresată de victoriaaa, 10 ani în urmă

Ajutor va rog!dau puncte multee!!
Report the sentences:
A)the teacher said,''the uk consiats of great britain and northen ireland''
B)he said,'' we have know our neighbours for ten years''
C)his cousin said,''andrew,when will you move into your new flat
D)my aunt said,''have you furnished your house?''
E)his uncle said,''i had finished my work by 4 o'clock yesterday''
F)corneliu said,''what are you doing at the moment?''
Daca ma veti ajuta macar cu una va multumesc mult!!!

victoriaaa: Clasa a VII (p.75) ex.2
tudor28: ce trebuie sa faci mai exact?
victoriaaa: Pai...sa pui propozitiile la persoana a 3 intrunfell
tudor28: la reported speech?
victoriaaa: Da
victoriaaa: .....(
victoriaaa: Daca poti ajutama la inca niste prop.:
victoriaaa: G)my granny said,''who won the elections?'' H)sandra said'were you playing computer games the whole evening yesterday?''

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tudor28
The teachers says that the U.K. consists of  Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
He said that they have known their neighbours for ten years.
Andrew was asked by his cousin about when he will move into his new flat.
My aunt asked if I had furnished my house.
His uncle said that he finished his work by 4 o'clock yesterday.
Corneliu asked what I was doing at that moment.
My granny asked about who won the elections.
Sandra asked if I played computer games the whole evening yesterday.

victoriaaa: Nuuuuu eu ju am rugat sa traduci
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