Ajutor va rog, e urgent!!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
dear Emily,
im writing to Tell You what happenedto me
yesterday while i was depositing some money in
they bank
i was standing in they queque when two bank
robbers suddenly appeared at the door,i was running faster and faster but they caught me and ive tried to escape.
ii ok?
Dear ..... (aici alege tu un nume di nu mai scrii paranteza)
I'm waiting to tell you what happened to me yesterday while I was depositing some money in the bank.
I was standing in the queue when two bank robbers suddenly apoeared at the door.when I saw them I panicked but then I calmed down and raised my hands. One of the employees there pressed a button that called the police. The bank robbers finished robbing the bank and then wanted to leave. When they left the bank, they saw the police waiting for them to leave. The police handcuffed them and then the money was put back in the bank.