Ajutor, va rog mult, nu ma descurc deloc cu tema asta.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
1.The fire was a blow, but we were determined to pick up the pieces and get the business back on its feet. (to pick up the pieces=a restaura,a reface ceva).
2.Can I pick your brain about how you got rid of those weeds? (to pick somebody's brain=a cere sfatul cuiva intr-un domeniu despre care stie foarte multe,a ntreba,a cere parerea).
3.You can take your pick of any dessert on the cart. (to take your pick=sa alegi).
4.He keeps picking holes in my writing(to pick holes in= a gasi greseli in ceva ce cineva a zis sau a facut,a arata ca nu este bine sau corect).
5.Charlie picked his way through the muddy field. (to pick your way= a te plimba incet si cu grija).
6.You can pick me up from school later. (a lua pe cineva dintr-un loc).
7.I think someone has pickpocketed me on the bus.( abuzunari,a fura din buzunare).
8.She's very picky about food. (picky=mofturos, sinonim=choosy).
9.I had to pick through the trash to find my electric bill. (to pick through= a cauta;a lua numai ce este bun,ce este necesar).
10.She picked over the strawberries, selecting the largest ones.to pick over= a analiza un grup de chestii,pt. a alege numai ce e mai bun sau a da la o parte ce e mai rau).