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Răspunsuri la întrebare
There was once a young man named Robinson Crusoe. He was born in the city of York in northern England. His German father had married his English mother, whose family name was Robinson, so he inherited it.
Robinson Crusoe lived a quiet and comfortable life and went to a good school, but he wished to go on adventures and live an exhilarating life. One day he told his parents about his wish to be a sailor. They were not very content with his choice.
His father begged him not to go and explained to him that sailors live a very dangerous life full of hardship. Crusoe tried to suppress his yearning but he could not. About a year later, he saw a friend whose father was the captain of a ship. He told Crusoe that they are setting off for London and asked him if he could come. Thus, Crusoe accepted and they sailed for London.
A few days later, a strong wind was blowing. The sea was swelling and was agitated and the ship ascended and descended constantly. Crusoe was suffering from seasickness and was frightened.
Crusoe cried out that he doesn't want to die. He vowed that if he gets to survive he will go back home to his parents.
The next day the wind calmed down and the sea was quiet and peaceful again.
Crusoe's friend asked him how he was feeling and laughed ironically, claiming that the wind only blew lightly. Crusoe exclaimed and said it was terrible.
His friend answered that it was just a light breeze.
Crusoe gave up going back home because he would embarrass himself in front of everyone. So he went to London with the others. There he met a ship captain who was going to Africa with his crew, and who invited Crusoe to go with him. Crusoe answered his invitation positively.
When a friend asked him he got on a ship and sailed to London.Even if on the way there,he felt sick and wanted to give up,he didn’t.When they got to London he met the captain of a ship that was sailing to Africa and accepted his invitation to sail with him.