Engleza, întrebare adresată de robeto, 9 ani în urmă

Ajutor va rooggg multttt
What makes a good teacher?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AndraAndraAndra
A good teacher is a teacher that interacts with his students, who explains everything very well so that the children will understand most of the lesson in the class. A good teacher gives enough homework, but not too much, letting the students relax at home. A good teacher creates a unique community, with emotional connections between its members.
A good teacher is not a teacher. A good teacher is a friend.

Coroana? :))

AndraAndraAndra: coroana?
robeto: Coroana,coroana,fie:) dar daca raspunzeai in momentul cind am postat intrebarea era super!!!!
robeto: raspundeai*
robeto: oricum mersi:P!
AndraAndraAndra: yee mersi :))) si Npc
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