Engleza, întrebare adresată de ChineliMaria2006, 8 ani în urmă

ajutor, va rooooggg​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sanzidee

Past continuous

1. He was travelling to Asia when i met him in 2019.

2. James was graduating from university while his sister was taking the admission exam.

3. The wind was blowing and the clouds were gathering when Tom drove into the harbour last night.

Past perfect continuous

1. John has been working on his project for a week when he finished it.

2. I felt exhausted because i had been shopping all day.

3. How long have you been studying Japanese before you moved to Kyoto?

Exercitiul B

1. I met Jenny in 2017 while she was studying modelling. She was so talented that in 2018 she had been appearing in runway shows for almost a year.

2. Tyrone's brothers were living in China in 2008. When they returned home, they have been living in foreign countries for several years.

3. When i met Maya she was still trying to improve her campaign skills. She has been working hard to improve her skills ever since she was in primary school and went on her first camping trip.

4.  Several days before the trip, my friends had been wearing light clothes and nobody could imagine a change of weather. However, the meteorologists had been warning people about the heavy rain for days when they finally left.

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