Ajutor vreau o reteta de de salata de fricte
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Specialistii ne recomanda sa consumam un fruct, dimineata pe stomacul gol, iar al doilea se poate consuma ca si gustare. Practic pana la pranz ar trebui sa consumam 2 fructe. Fructele ar trebui consumate pe cat posibil cu coaja, intrucat in coaja acestora exista numeroase substante care ne pazesc organismul de diferite boli. Citricele sunt benefice daca le consumam cu pulpa cu tot si nu sub forma de sucuri. Cel mai bine ar fi sa consumam 3-5 feluri de fructe amestecate sub forma de salata (fara frisca si indulcitori). Daca tocmai aruncati o privire catre castronul de fructe sau la cele din lada de la frigider, trebuie sa stiti ca in 5 minute le-ati transformat intr-o salata de fructe. Magia e simpla, iar noi va dezvaluim secretul ei! Sunteti pregatiti? 1. Alegeti fructele din care doriti sa faceti combinatia magica! Combinatii gustoase veti obtine daca amestecati fructe de padure cu pepene (verde, galben, papaya), mere, banane, struguri, grapefruit, kiwi, mango, nectarine, caise, rodii, ananas, portocale, pere si piersici.2. Spalati toate fructele!3. Fructele mici (boabele de strugure si fructele de padure) le puneti direct in vasul in care se va intampla magia.4. Restul fructelor mari trebuie taiate cubulete. Ca si referinta, fiecare piesa ar trebui sa fie un pic mai mare decat unghia degetului mare.5. Amestecati toate fructele. Aranjati-le pe un platou, sau in boluri individuale. Ca sa dati dovada de creativitate le puteti pune intr-un penene scobit sau chiar intr-un ananas. Stropiti totul cu zeama de la o lamaie (pentru a preveni oxidarea) si adaugati suc propriu de la portocale, mandarine, suc de ananas sau un suc facut dintr-o combinatie de fructe. 6. Serviti la temperatura camerei sau usor rece.7. Adaugati sau nu toppinguri salatei. Iata si cateva sugestii: frisca, iaurt scurs, inghetata, miere, un praf de zahar pudra, sirop de ciocolata, menta proaspata, nuci pecan, migdale, stafide, bezele sau granola. Unele salate de fructe au un gust mai bun decat altele si asta datorita culorilor si texturilor diferite. De aceea noi va recomandam sa alegeti combinatii diferite de culori, texturi si de ce nu gusturi. Rezultatul va fi delicios dar si mult mai atragator. Indiferent pentru ce mixuri de fructe optati, de 3 lucruri trebuie sa tineti cont daca preparatul dvs. urmeaza a fi servit musafirilor: - la ce fructe sunt alergici musafirii; - spalati bine fructele pentru a indeparta orice urma de pesticide. Cel mai bine ar fi sa la tineti in apa rece cel putin 30 min; - eliminati cu atentie semintele de fructe, cum ar fi cele de la pepeni;
Specialists recommend eating a fruit in the morning on the naked stomach and the second one can be consumed as a snack. Practically until noon we should eat 2 fruits. Fruits should be eaten as much as possible with the bark, as there are many substances that keep the body of different diseases in their bark. Citrus fruit is good if you eat it with your pulp with no juice. It is best to eat 3-5 kinds of mixed fruit in the form of salad (no cream and sweeteners). If you just take a look at the fruit bowl or those in the refrigerator box, you have to know that in 5 minutes you've turned them into a fruit salad. Magic is simple and we will reveal her secret! You are ready? 1. Choose the fruits from which you want to make the magic combination! Tasty combinations will be made if you mix berries with melons (green, yellow, papaya), apples, bananas, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, mango, nectarines, apricots, pomegranates, pineapple, oranges, pears and peaches. Wash all fruits! Small fruits (grape berries and berries) put them directly into the bowl where magic will happen.4. The rest of the large fruit should be cut into cubes. As a reference, each piece should be a bit bigger than the thumb finger. Mix all fruits. Arrange them on a plateau, or in individual bowls. To prove creativity you can put them in a hollow penny or even in a pineapple. Sprinkle everything with a lemon juice (to prevent oxidation) and add your own juice from oranges, mandarins, pineapple juice or a juice made from a fruit combination. 6. Serve at room temperature or slightly cool. Add or not salad toppings. Here are some suggestions: whipped cream, yoghurt, ice cream, honey, powdered sugar powder, chocolate syrup, fresh mint, pecans, almonds, raisins, marshmallow or granola. Some fruit salads taste better than others because of different colors and textures. That's why we recommend choosing different combinations of colors, textures and why not tastes. The result will be delicious but also more appealing. Regardless of what fruit mix you choose, 3 things you need to keep in mind if your preparation is to be served to guests: - what fruits are allergic to the guests; - Wash the fruits thoroughly to remove any trace of pesticides. It would be best to keep it in cold water for at least 30 minutes; - carefully remove the fruit seeds, such as those from melons;
Specialists recommend eating a fruit in the morning on the naked stomach and the second one can be consumed as a snack. Practically until noon we should eat 2 fruits. Fruits should be eaten as much as possible with the bark, as there are many substances that keep the body of different diseases in their bark. Citrus fruit is good if you eat it with your pulp with no juice. It is best to eat 3-5 kinds of mixed fruit in the form of salad (no cream and sweeteners). If you just take a look at the fruit bowl or those in the refrigerator box, you have to know that in 5 minutes you've turned them into a fruit salad. Magic is simple and we will reveal her secret! You are ready? 1. Choose the fruits from which you want to make the magic combination! Tasty combinations will be made if you mix berries with melons (green, yellow, papaya), apples, bananas, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, mango, nectarines, apricots, pomegranates, pineapple, oranges, pears and peaches. Wash all fruits! Small fruits (grape berries and berries) put them directly into the bowl where magic will happen.4. The rest of the large fruit should be cut into cubes. As a reference, each piece should be a bit bigger than the thumb finger. Mix all fruits. Arrange them on a plateau, or in individual bowls. To prove creativity you can put them in a hollow penny or even in a pineapple. Sprinkle everything with a lemon juice (to prevent oxidation) and add your own juice from oranges, mandarins, pineapple juice or a juice made from a fruit combination. 6. Serve at room temperature or slightly cool. Add or not salad toppings. Here are some suggestions: whipped cream, yoghurt, ice cream, honey, powdered sugar powder, chocolate syrup, fresh mint, pecans, almonds, raisins, marshmallow or granola. Some fruit salads taste better than others because of different colors and textures. That's why we recommend choosing different combinations of colors, textures and why not tastes. The result will be delicious but also more appealing. Regardless of what fruit mix you choose, 3 things you need to keep in mind if your preparation is to be served to guests: - what fruits are allergic to the guests; - Wash the fruits thoroughly to remove any trace of pesticides. It would be best to keep it in cold water for at least 30 minutes; - carefully remove the fruit seeds, such as those from melons;
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