Engleza, întrebare adresată de gabipop195, 8 ani în urmă


1. Do not forget to keep the ....................when you buy an item of clothing.If you change your mind you can ................it for a different item or you can get a..................

2.Always check the................before putting an item into the..............You do not want any surprises when you get to the...................

3.They helped us............... money for charity.

4.Could you ............me some money? I wanted to...............a small amount from my sister, but she has already spent all the money she had.


5.Babysitting is not easy, but it helped me..............good money.

6.Do not ..............money on useless things, ................it and buy something you really need.

7.How much do I...........you? I am going to............some money from the ATM and pay you back.

8.My phone has got a ........so you have to swipe the bottom of the phone to..................it.

9.If you want to check your email you need to ......your account and then ..........the page to see all your messages.

10.How do .......the volume? Do I need to ................that button?

press lend tochscreen turn up receipt price tag raise earn waste unlock borrow

return, owe, log into, shopping cart, refund, cash desk, scroll, save, withdraw;

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreeacriss3

1. receipt, return, refund

2. price tag, shopping cart, cash desk

3. raise

4. lend, borrow

5. earn

6. waste, save

7. owe, withdraw

8. tochscreen, unlock

9. log into, scroll

10. turn up, press

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