Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionutsachisca, 10 ani în urmă

Ajutorrr ..

Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which would you prefer to live in?

Vinnie: Am gasit si eu intrebarea in niste subiecte de la bac... Uite, sper sa ajute: ~Both places interest me. I usually like quiet places but I'd love to experience living in a big city. Unlike the small town, the big city would offer me more opportunities when talking about places to go and things to learn. Here you also have the possibility to meet new people and if you're lucky to find foreigners, you could also find out more about their culture or even show the your big city.
ionutsachisca: mulțumesc mult.:333333
Vinnie: //~Cu placere ^ ^

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de petrw
Aceast exercitiu se refera la faptul ca unii oameni prefera sa traiasca in orase mici,iar altii in orase mari.La final te intreaba pe tine tu unde vrei sa locuiesti?
Si spui I prefer live in a small/big city
Răspuns de decembrie
I want to live in Constanta,because it's a big city and i want to see the beach.In Constanta are more shops.

ionutsachisca: mulțumescc, dar vreau mai multe enunțuri.. să fie un micro-eseu
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