Engleza, întrebare adresată de alecs2015, 10 ani în urmă

Alc prop cu would rather / would prefer to
a cocert,bowling a party ,sightseeing,a basketball match, the sport centre,swimming,sailing, the theatre ,cycling, the cinema, the beach, a widlife park, a games arcade , line skating, go karting , a disco , a picnic , the circus , ice skating, a barbecue , shopping, a footbal match

madalyn: I woud prefer to go to a concert .
madalyn: asa ?
alecs2015: andreijulian mersi cami scri
alecs2015: in ce clasa esti
andreijulian5: a 8-a
alecs2015: a eua 6 e bine
alecs2015: si ce note ai la english
andreijulian5: 8, 9 , 10, 10 in principal
andreijulian5: Eu stiu engleza de la 5 ani
andreijulian5: oricum lasama sa fac exercitiul

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreijulian5

I would prefer to go to a concert.

I would rather go to bowling.

I would prefer to go to a party, but id rather go karting.

I would prefer to go to sightseeing, but id rather go in the backyard with my friends to a barbecue

I would prefer to go to the sport centre, but id rather go swimming,or even better, id rather go to a wildlife park, to relax.

I would prefer to  go sailing, but i would rather just go to a picnic.

I would prefer to go to a circus, but id rather go to shopping in order to have some new clothing.

I would prefer to go line skating, but instead i would rather have to go to ice skating.

I would prefer to watch a football match at the TV, but i would rather go cycling.

I would prefer to play at a games arcade, but i would rather stay on the beach relaxed, or better, i would rather go to a disco.

Cred ca astea sunt toate cuvintele puse in niste propozitii dupa cerinta!

La revedere si succes la ascultare!

alecs2015: trebuia cu fiecare cuvant
alecs2015: da lasa
andreijulian5: Alecs
andreijulian5: Este fiecare cuvant
andreijulian5: doar ca sunt adunate in propozitii
andreijulian5: sau fraze
andreijulian5: De exemplu
andreijulian5: a 4-a prop. are sightseeing, si barbecue.
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