Engleza, întrebare adresată de diamondpro, 8 ani în urmă

Alcătuiți 15 propoziții cu verbele sing, do, buy, fall la afirmativ negativ și interogativ. Past tense.
Vă rog. Dau coroană. ​Am nevoie foarte rapid. Mă abonez la voi. Nu mint.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stelasauca


( Afirmativ)I do like to sing that song very much.

(Interogativ) What do you do for leaving?

(Negativ) I didn't buy bread today.

(Past Tense) She fell and hit her leg.

(Afirmativ) Yes, herd that song.

( Negative) I don't buy used things.

(Past tense) Yes, I did that thing when i was little.

(Afirmativ) Yes, she buys only from a good market.

(Negative) No, she doesn't know your name.

(Past tense) I never took pride in what i did.

(Afirmativa) Yes, i can bay some flowers for you.

(Negativ) John hasn't sung a note.

(Past tense) I bought some fruits and some patatoes.

(Afirmativ) I like to do only good things.

(Negativ) I don't have to do my homework today.

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