Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

alcatuiti cate o propozitie negativa in limba engleza cu cuvintele    believe  eat  flow  go  grow   make  rise  tell   translate

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mihaela0205
1.I don't believe that your friend was admitted to our high-school.
2.My grandmother was worried when she heard I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning.
3.The water didn't flow all day because of the very low temperature.
4.I haven't gone outside for 2 weeks.
5.Money doesn't grow on trees.
6.I haven't made some mistakes and I don't understant why you're still upset.
7.The sun hasn't risen yet.
8.Don't tell me that you have to move to another country.
9.If you will not give him money, he will not translate what you want!
1.Eu nu cred ca prietenul tau a fost admis la liceul nostru.
2.Bunica mea s-a ingrijorat cand a auzit ca nu am mai mancat nimic de ieri dimineata.
3.Apa nu a curs toata ziua din cauza temperaturii foarte scazute.
4.Nu am mai mers afara de 2 saptamani.
5.Banii nu cresc in copaci.
6.Nu am mai facut cateva greseli si nu inteleg de ce inca esti suparat.
7.Soarele nu a rasarit inca.
8.Nu-mi spune ca trebuie sa te muti in alta tara.
9.Daca nu ii vei da bani, el nu va traduce ceea ce vrei tu!
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