Engleza, întrebare adresată de vladcojocscurt1, 8 ani în urmă

Alcatuiti o compunere in limba engleza despre animale pe cale de disparitie.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Matey222
Mankind, in it's expansion on this planet, has often dealt with any obstacle they were faced with by either destroying it, building something (think of dams), or outright wiping it out of existence. 
The world around us is more than it seems; nature, throughout the ages, has developed a certain balance, a way for everything to coexist with each other. Until we came in that is. What keeps locusts out of cold habitats is the cold itself, what keeps kangaroos from coming to Europe is the large mass of water and land that separates us; we however, are not bound to any place. We can survive in any environment if we prepare ourselves beforehand, we generally can eat anything, and even if faced with a superior predator, we have the numbers to make up for our lack of strength. We are the ultimate survivor, and that allowed us to take control of this world and use it's resources to better ourselves. However, in our race for conquering the world, we often overlooked what we were stepping on. We destroyed many forests for cooking, making room for farms, for war efforts, and while we never got to see the effects of that back then, we sure do today. Animals left homeless evacuated faced with the immovable object humanity was proving to be. And, without warning, they simply fade in the passage of time. However in this day and age, animals are safer, better cared for, no longer disappearing. Or are they? The truth is, animals keep disappearing to this day, mostly due to the same monotonous reason. US. Poaching is still widely practiced for fun in underdeveloped countries like Africas'. Forests are still being cut to feed the furniture industry, leaving us with a good cough and the animals with no shelter. Invasive species were introduced until recently in lakes and rivers, with the intention of encouraging hunting or fishing. Animals are not safe even to this day. While conservationist groups are doing their best, we can only ask ourselves if this is too little, too late on our part. Many beautiful animals have gone extinct, and too many are in danger of becoming so. It is, as it was to this day, up to us decide their fate, and whether or not their pictures will decorate the "Species gone extinct" list in 20 years. 
Noroc bun! 
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