Engleza, întrebare adresată de danielaiordachi, 9 ani în urmă

Alcătuiți propoziții cu cuvintele : author,fisherman,luck,miner,title,be born, include,die,hate,Laught at

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de PewdsPotato
John Green is my favourite author ever.
My neighbor is a truly fisherman.
You don't have much luck today.
You don't want to be a miner, is exhausting.
I like the title of your essay.
I liked to be born rich.
You need to do the exercises from one to ten, and you have to include the exeples.
You will die sooner if you smoke,
I don't hate your style, i hate your personality.
You don't have to laugh at his stupid jokes.
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