Alcătuiți propoziții la timpul trecut cu următoarele cuvinte:
la timpul trecut și cu traducere
vă rog urgent!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
1. I want a dog
2. Do you change your clothes?
3. They look good.
4. Ally and Samy travel in Italy.
5. I dance right now.
6. I study for my exam.
7. Enjoy the gift!
8. Finish the homework!
9. Stop!
10. Try this!
1. I wanted icecream for so long- Am vrut inghetata de mult timp
2. I have changed a lot- Eu m-am schimbat mult
3. We looked outside and it was snowing- Noi ne-am uitat afara si ningea
4. She traveled wo many times this year- Ea a calatorit de multe ori anul acesta
5. He often dances in his room- El deseori danseaza in camera sa
6. We like studying together- Noua ne place sa studiem impreuna
7. I genuinely enjoyed the school trip- Eu chiar am savurat calatoria cu scoala
8. He just finished his homework- El numai ce si-a terminat temele
9. They didn't stop at the red light- Ei nu s-au oprit la lumina rosie
10. I have tried multiple time sewing- Eu am incercat de multiple ori sa cos.
Sper că te-am ajutat! ♡
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