Engleza, întrebare adresată de NiCoLeTaSaMoIlĂ, 9 ani în urmă

am de facut cate 2 propoziti la fiecare adverb de timp:yesterday-morning,afternoon,evening....,this-week,month...,last-century...,on-firday,the 10th op june...,in-ago,a weak....,....at-midday,midnight,month...,at-noon.....va rog repedeee!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de LorySwift
He went to school yesterday-morning
I didn't hear your call because I was busy yesterday-morning
In the afternoon , I do my homework
She has guitar lessons every day in the afternoon
This film starts in the evening
The museum closes at 7 o'clock in the evening
This week I'm free
We will meet at the end of this week
The school starts this month
Last century it was a mondial war

Stiu ca mai sunt dar sunt putin ocupata , sorry :(
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