Engleza, întrebare adresată de flaviusronaldo, 10 ani în urmă

Am de facut o poveste despre:"You are a bridge".Ajutati-ma va rog 
P.S.Sa aiba in jur de 150 de cuvinte.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de DianaClaudia
I remember the days when I was sad and hopeless, the days when I couldn't say a word to anyone because I hated myself so much that every word that came out of my mouth was poison. I don't know why I was feeling that way, I guess I was just sick of life and people. Don't get me wrong, I didn't wanted to commit suicide, I just wanted to live in a world without a sick society. But all of this happened before you. Thinking about this it's kind of silly but you changed my life, you came and showed me that out there isn't just madness, there are good things to live for and there are people who will understand and who will make you fell better, you just have to want to fell better. You showed me that, you were my bridge...you are my bridge, and you'll always would be. 

flaviusronaldo: :)))))))))))))) ce naiba ?
DianaClaudia: scuze, alta idee pe moment nu mi-a venit :))) m-am gandit ca nu vrei sa fac o compunere despre un betiv care vorbeste cu un pod :)) dar acum incep sa cred ca ar fi fost o idee mai buna :))
flaviusronaldo: Eu vreau o descriere...despre cum,ca eu as fi un pod....e mai complicat :))0
DianaClaudia: oh, lol, e cam greut
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