Engleza, întrebare adresată de AcabRo31, 8 ani în urmă

Am de facut un proiect despre poluare in limba engleza,aproximativ 15 randuri.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de grym1601
Today in the 21 century the poluation of nature is growing up mostly because of big numbers of population worldwide.The increasing junk from people daily activity can't be controlled  in a proper way without affecting the enviroment mostly because of the big usage of plastic materials.Even more than that the natural disease in the world isn't affected as much from junks as it is from exhausting the natural resourse and the hard exploatation of it without thinking of the consequences.The big international foundation like isha in india try to awake people of the importance of protecting enviroment and the meaning of is resource for the next generations,taking care of enviroment means a better quality of life and a more productivity of bio food in future.On the other side if the poluation will remain growing over time new and unkown disease might appear just like in 15 th century within europe where black plague decimated half of population .In the end of my prezentation teacher i have to admit that i will respect more the enviroment and the recycle of junks in proper way to have a change of a nice future for me and my family

AcabRo31: Mersi frumos.
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