Engleza, întrebare adresată de BiancaHoran, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iondelastrehaia

1 yes this change improves people's leaving because this is an era of speed so food that can be easly cooked like potatoes is very important

2. If someone watches a comedy movie they will fill good, better than before. If they watch something scarry then they will be frightened.

3. I think both options are good for rising children because one taughts them to move fast and evolve and the other one to have patience and respect the nature.

4. If they need money then yes, it's a good idea for students to work but it consumes too much time.

6. When you travel with someone you have fun and if the road is long you can switch places. Travelling alone is relaxing and you can think about how to resolve your problems in peace.

7. The external appearence is a mask that people create to show others. But there is face reading that can show you the real face of people.

10. It is good for kids to work a little at home because they learn some stuff that will help them later.

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