Engleza, întrebare adresată de gigelfrumusel, 8 ani în urmă

Am mareeee neeevoiieeee!! repede, vă rog! ofer coroană!!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de caro2485


13. 2. brushed, went

3. have you ever seen, went

4. didn't see

5. went

6. didn't play

7. have already seen

8. fell, broke

9. have never heard

10. always wanted

14.  2. It's the time they visit Vienna.

3. I haven't eaten for a long time.

4. The last time the played tennis was six weeks ago.

5. Mr. Smith hasn't went on holiday for years.

6. The last time John went to his country house was at Easter.



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