Engleza, întrebare adresată de gainagucci, 8 ani în urmă

Am nev de ajutor, am de facut 10 propoziti cu Prezent Perfect Simple si 10 cu Past Simple

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de JolieJulie
Past perfect simple
1.I have been here since I was born.
2.You have deleted the files from the computer.
3.I have told her for years not to be shy.
4.You have arrived to Italy since 1997. 5.They have gone where the sun shines brighter.
6.She has worked in the same institute for five years.
7.I haven’t been there yet but I would like to visit that place.
8.I have already written that message.
9.I have never thought you would be the best.
10.Have you ever tried to deal with that kind of situation ?

Past Simple
1.I told my mother to help me with homework.
2.You thought it was as strong as stone.
3.Somewhere in the past,people believed that the Earth was flat.
4.My brother adviced me to be kind.
5.You were alone there because you didn’t have enough money to have fun.
6.We could make a coffee for all the guests.
7.She was a great person due to her education.
8.I tried to keep calm and rest but it didn’t help me so much.
9.It wasn’t hard to notice the difference between a grown up and an old man!
10.She made some mistakes because she didn’t want to follow the rules.

gainagucci: pai propozitia 5??
JolieJulie: Am scris si prop 5.
gainagucci: la past simple ai scris-o
gainagucci: dar la prezent perfect simple
gainagucci: nu
JolieJulie: Uita-te mai bine,e Așezată prost in pagina
JolieJulie: present perfect simple se formează cu “have” si participiu trecut.Deci have+been
JolieJulie: La 1.
gainagucci: gata ms
JolieJulie: :)
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