Engleza, întrebare adresată de vlasaantonia2009, 8 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de 10 propoziții la afirmativ, 10 la negativ și 10 la interogativ în engleza, va rog ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de microbpufos09531

I like soccer.

Do you ate pizs?

I didn't shower yesterday.

The milk is in the fridge.

How old are you?

We don't have any eggs.

That ball is mine.

Do you need help?

It isn't my doll.

I love strawberry icecream.

How often do you meet your friends?

You aren't telling the truth.

I fight for my life.

Do you think what you want?

She isn't very happy.

I like playing with dogs.

Is that your pet?

It isn't my car.

I donate all my books.

Is he your classmate?

I don't use the red pencil.

I like that movie.

Did you enjoyed this game?

I didn't heared about this book.

He loves games.

Does she play Minecraft?

It isn't my book.

I can see you.

Do you like her?

I don't know anything.


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