Engleza, întrebare adresată de AlySh0r, 10 ani în urmă

Am nevoie de 3 scrisori / teme cu subiectele acestea : ( In limba enegleza )

1. Am fost la un restaurant si nu ti-a placut si sa-i fac o recenzie proasta

2.Un lucru bun pe care la facut orasul meu pentru natura .

3.Un mail in care sa invit pe cineva la ziua de nastere a cuiva ( prieten,mama,tata etc )

Toate in limba engleza !!!!!!!!! Nu prea luni de cam 10-12 randuri !!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de LauraPdK
  1) Mr. Principal,
I am really sorry that I have my dinner at your restaurant. It's unbelievable how the serving was! I waited for 45 minutes, and when they finally get me the soup, it was cold and spicy. I lost my romantic dinner because of your worst waitress. Be sure I will make a complaint and a bad review for anyone who will ask my opinion. 

  3) Dear Jenny,
I am pleased to invite you to my sister's birthday! She finally turned 18 and I'm thrilled for her. My parents will come from abroad and what's a party without you? So please, accept my invitation and join us to the Grand Restaurant from the 223 street, at 20:00 o'clock. 
                             With alot of love, your best friend, Ali.
Si ti-as face-o si pe a 2a scrisoare, dar nu am inteles cui ar trebui fi adresata. Poti da detalii?

LauraPdK: Am inteles...tu ai scris ca vrei scrisori mai sus, asa ca nu stiam cui vrei sa i-o adresezi.
AlySh0r: Am gresit , scuze .
AlySh0r: Am si vazut , ce analfabetic am scris ...
LauraPdK: My city is one of the cleanest and most beautiful cities. Besides the fact that cleanliness is maintained daily, the mayor organizes fun contests which also helps the nature. We are a group of united people, because we all have the same goal, to protect our "house". We even have a legend, every time a child is born, his parents must plant a tree for good luck. I am proud of my city, when every good work it's done, it's like a accomplished dream.
AlySh0r: Iti multumesc frumos :* te pot ajuta cu altceva infara de acel multumesc
LauraPdK: Se poate da coronita :) M-ar ajuta, merci si eu :*
LauraPdK: coronita = cel mai bun raspuns.
AlySh0r: Daca mi-ai spune cum dau acea coronita , ti-as da cu mere placere :))
AlySh0r: mare*
LauraPdK: Presupun ca apare doar cand sunt 2 raspunsuri :) eh, n-are nimic...si-asa nu ajut pentru puncte..era doar o chestie :))
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