Am nevoie de ajutor de la o persoana care stie engleza ca sa imi traduca in engleza urmatorul text:
Brasovul face parte din topul celor mai frumoase orase ale tarii noastre. Este incarcat de monumente istorice ,cu o arhitectura aparte si acesta este situat intr-o zona foarte frumoasa si este apreciata de turistii romani cat si de cei veniti din alte tari.
Brasovul nu sta deloc prost la capitolul obiective turistice, fiind un oras in care nu ai cum sa te plictisesti.
De la an la an acest oras este din ce in ce mai frumos si atrage ca un magnet un numar foarte mare de turisti.
Va rog ajutati-ma!
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
The Brasov takes part from the top of the most beautiful towns of our country.It's full of historical monuments,with a special architecture and it's situated in a very beautiful zone and it is apreciated by romanian tourists and also from other countries.
The Brasov doesn't stay bad at all at the chapter touristic objectives,being a town in which you can not get bored.
Year by year this town is getting more and more beautiful and attracts like a magnet a very big number of tourists.
Sper ca te-am ajutat.
The Brasov doesn't stay bad at all at the chapter touristic objectives,being a town in which you can not get bored.
Year by year this town is getting more and more beautiful and attracts like a magnet a very big number of tourists.
Sper ca te-am ajutat.
Răspuns de
Brasov belongs among the most beautiful cities of our country. It is full of historical monuments, with a unique architecture and it is located in a beautiful area and is appreciated by Romanian tourists and those coming from other countries.Brasov is not at all bad in chapter sights, is a city where you do not get bored.From year to year the city is becoming more beautiful and attracts a very large number of tourists.
Sper ca ti-am fost de folos ^-^
Sper ca ti-am fost de folos ^-^
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