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Mozart became increasingly critical of the system of patronage under which he and his father lived. He despised his colleagues whom he described as " those coarse, slovenly, dissolute, court musicians " and commented that, although he sat below the valets at the table of the Archbishop of Salzburg, he had the honour of being placed above the cooks. His headstrong character led to his dismissal in 1781. From then on, Mozart was on his own.
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn in 1770, the year after Napoleon's birth. In his early years, he was a fanatical admirer of the French Revolution and all its ideas. His gigantic " Eroica Symphony ", completed in 1803, was originally dedicated to Napoleon. Beethoven's own ideas, which he copied into a friend's album, were to help wherever one can love liberty above all things and never deny the truth, even at the foot of the throne.
Like the gods and goddesses of the ancient Greek, Wagner's characters are both timeless, mythical beings and recognizable people quarrelling, eager for power, falling in love and dying. In the Ring operas, Wagner made the fullest use of his musical innovation, the leitmotive: a short theme symbolizing a character, a feeling or an inanimate object, from the gold in the Rhine to the spear of the god Wotan.