Am NEVOIE de ajutor . Trebuie sã traduc in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1.Nu luati micul dejun inainte de opt , nu-i asa ? As vrea sã trec pe la voi si sã va gasesc pe toti acasa . Nu v-am vazut de multa vreme si mi-e dor de voi toti. Sunt mai bine de doua luni de cand nu v-am vazut ,nu-i asa ? Ultima data cand v-am vazut eram atat de ocupat si de preocupat de plecarea mea in strainatate , incat n-am prea avut timp sã stam de vorba. Astept cu nerabdare sã va vad ; si voi la tel , sper. Lui Tom i-am adus un pistol. Dupa cate stiu , ii cam invidia pe copiii care aveau pistol. Nimic nu m-ar fi putut impiedica sã i-l cumpar. S-ar putea ca si John sã se bucure de cadoul pe care-l va capata. Dar nu vreau sã aflati de cadouri inainte de a le vedea . Vreau ca ele sã fie o surpriza pentru voi .
2. Sã te ajut sã duci cosul? Nu e prea greu?
3. Trebuie sa-l duc acasa, oricat de greu ar fi.
4. Le-am spus sã vina a doua zi ,sã putea sta de vorba pe undelete.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. You don't eat breakfast before 8 o'clock, right? I would want to come over to your place and meet you all. I haven't seen you in a long time and I missed you all. There are more than two months since I haven't seen you, right? Last time I have seen you I was so busy with my foreign trip, so I didn't have time to chat with you. I look forward to seeing you, and I wish that the feeling is mutual. I brought Tom a pistol. After all I've known, he was pretty jealous on the other kids who've had pistols. Nothing could've ever stopped me from buying him one. John might be excited from the gift I've brought him. But I don't want you to know about the gift before you see them. I want them to be a surprise for you.
2. Shall I help you with the basket? Isn't it too heavy?
3. I must take it home, even if it's too hard.
4. I told them to come the second day, so we can talk more detailed.
2. Shall I help you with the basket? Isn't it too heavy?
3. I must take it home, even if it's too hard.
4. I told them to come the second day, so we can talk more detailed.
Răspuns de
You don't take breakfast before eight o'clock, don't you? I would like to pass on to you and find all of you home. I haven't seen you for a long time and I miss all of you. I'm better of two mounths when didn't see you, don't you ? Last time when I sow you I'm was so busy and preocupated that my living in outside, that I haven't so much time to talking. I can't waiting to see you ; and you at phone, I hope. I've brought a gun for Tom. After I know, he was evnying on chids that have gun. Nothing could stop me to buy it. Perhaps that John would be happy of the present that he will get too. But i don't wanna you to know that before you seen them. I want them to be a surprise for you.
2. Would help you to carry the shopping kart ? Isn't too havy ?
3. I must take him home, even havy would be.
4. I told them to come next day, to can talking undelete.
2. Would help you to carry the shopping kart ? Isn't too havy ?
3. I must take him home, even havy would be.
4. I told them to come next day, to can talking undelete.
no google translate..
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